
The MTV Workshop begins on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, and will conclude on Wednesday, March 11, 2020. During the meeting, agenda titles below will link to a pdf of the presentation for talks and posters.

Submit your questions and participate in polls through SLIDO #MTV2020.

March 9, 2020 
Welcome Dinner
University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA) 
525 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Guest Speaker: Megan Slinkard, CTBTO
March 10, 2020, Day 1 Presentations 
8:00Registration Rogel Ballroom, 2nd floor
 Breakfast and Poster Setup Rogel Ballroom, 2nd floor
9:00Welcome & Logistics Prof. Sara Pozzi, MTV Director, U. Michigan
9:10NNSA goals for MTVMr. Randy Bell, Sr. Program Manager, NNSA US DOE
9:30MTV OverviewProf. Sara Pozzi, MTV Director, U. Michigan
9:50CEvNS for Nuclear SecurityProf. Patrick Huber, MTV Faculty, Va. Tech
10:05Neutrino-Induced Nuclear FissionMr. Tyler Johnson, MTV Fellow, Duke U.
10:20An Overview of Neutrino Directional Detection with Inverse Beta DecayMr. Connor Awe, MTV Fellow, Duke U.
10:35BREAK – 20 mins 
10:55Fragment-by-Fragment and Event-by-Event Multiplicity Correlations in Fission Mr. Stefano Marin, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
11:10Dry Storage Fuel Cask Tomography Using MuonsMr. Jesus Valencia, MTV Fellow, U. New Mexico
11:25Technology Development of 3-D CZT Detectors for MTV ApplicationsProf. Zhong He, MTV Faculty, U. Michigan
11:40Adaptive Imaging:  Gimmick or Godsend?Mr. Niral Shah, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
11:55Group PhotoRogel Ballroom, 2nd floor
12:00General luncheonRogel Ballroom, 2nd floor
 MTV Faculty luncheonPendleton Ballroom, 2nd floor
13:30PANEL: Policy
(45 mins)
Moderated by: Dr. Randy Bell, NNSA US DOE
Ms. Megan Slinkard, CTBTO
Dr. Mona Dreicer, LLNL
Prof. Alex Glaser, Princeton U.
Prof. Paul Wilson, U. Wisconsin
14:15Melt-Cast Organic GlassMr. Nathan Giha, MTV Fellow, U. Michigan
14:30Development of Methodologies for Wide Area Environmental SamplingMs. Emily Kwapis, MTV Fellow, U. Florida
14:45BREAK – 15 mins 
15:00Infrasonic ProgressionMr. Milton Garces, MTV Faculty, U. Hawaii (Remote)
15:15Characterizing Seismic SourcesDr. Göran Ekstrom, MTV Faculty, Columbia (Remote)
15:30Poster Overview Presentations
(1-minute each)
All Poster Presenters
16:00Poster Session A
(odd numbers, 45 mins)
Presenters stand by posters
16:45Poster Session B
(even numbers, 45 mins)
Presenters stand by posters
17:30Adjourn Day 1 
March 11, 2020, Day 2 Presentations 
8:00BreakfastRogel Ballroom, 2nd floor
9:00PANEL: National Laboratory Partners
(45 mins)
Moderated by: Prof. Igor Jovanovic, U. Michigan
All National Lab POCs
9:45Autonomous Mobile Robots for Managed-Access InspectionsDr. Alex Glaser, MTV Faculty, Princeton U.
10:00Nondestructive Assay of Np237 Using Organic ScintillatorsMr. Michael Hua, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
10:15Plutonium Characterization for Forensics Applications in the Monitoring of Nuclear Fuel CycleProf. Sunil Chirayath, MTV Faculty, TAMU
10:30BREAK – 20 mins 
10:50Development of a Portable System for Epithermal Neutron Resonance AnalysisMr. Ethan Klein, MTV Fellow, MIT (Remote)
11:05Stress monitoring in plants via chlorophyll fluorescence and pigment analysisMrs. Lauren Finney, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
11:20PANEL: Education & Outreach
(45 mins)
Moderated by: Dr. Shaun Clarke, U. Michigan
Prof. Sunil Chiriyath, TAMU
Mr. Michael Hua, U. Michigan
Prof. Kim Kearfott, U. Michigan
Prof. Chris Perfetti, U. New Mexico
12:05General LuncheonRogel Ballroom, 2nd floor
 National Lab Engagement LuncheonPendleton Ballroom, 2nd floor
All students and National Lab representatives
13:35Closing Remarks & Student AwardsProf. Sara Pozzi and Mr. Randy Bell
14:00Depart for lab tours 
14:30Lab Tours – University of Michigan, Nuclear Engineering 2355 Bonisteel Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
16:30Adjourn Day 2 
Poster Presentations 
Poster #Research Title (links to poster pdf)Presenter Names
1Measure of Proton Light Yield of Water-based Liquid ScintillatorMr. Edward Callaghan, MTV Fellow, UC Berkeley
2Reactor Evaluation Through Inspection of Near-Field AntineutrinosProf. Anna Erickson, MTV Faculty, Ga. Tech
3lanTErn: a Handheld Time-Encoded ImagerMr. John Kuchta, MTV Fellow, U. Michigan
4Sensitivity Analysis of Evaluated Neutron ParametersMr. Matthew Lazaric, U. New Mexico
5Advanced MLEM Algorithm for Truncated Space Imaging of High Flux Photon SourcesMs. Valerie Nwadeyi, MTV Fellow, U. Michigan
6Gamma-Ray Imaging Using Pixelated CdZnTe Mr. Daniel Shy, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
7Development of 16N and 17N Sources for Calibration of a Large Gd-Doped Water Cherenkov DetectorMr. Kristofer Ogren, MTV Fellow, U. Michigan
8Hammer: A Student-Driven Monte Carlo Research Code for NonproliferationMr. Kyle Beyer, MTV Fellow, U. Michigan
9Rossi-alpha Measurements and Simulations of Reflected, Fast Metal Assemblies to Validate Organic ScintillatorsMr. Caiser Bravo, MTV Fellow, U. Michigan
10Analysis of the Isotopic Composition of Uranium Enriched By AVLISMr. Henry Burns, MTV Fellow, Ga. Tech
11The Effect of Detection Threshold on Rossi-alpha MeasurementsMs. Leah Clark, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
12Preliminary Validation of the Two-Region Point Kinetics Model for Rossi-alpha MeasurementsMr. Flynn Darby, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
13Time-of-flight Facility for Epithermal Neutrons at Penn State UniversityMr. Nick Grenci, MTV Fellow, Penn State U.
14Establishing Temporal Constraints on Radionuclide Exposure and Contamination from Time Signatures Preserved in Plants and Associated MicrobiomesMs. Isis Fukai, MTV Associate, UT Knoxville
15Characterization of FS-3: A Detection System for Neutron-Photon Correlations in FissionMs. Isabel Hernandez, MTV Fellow, U. Michigan
16Evaluation of the Effect of Pulse Shape Discrimination of Fast, Fissioning AssembliesMr. John-Tyler Iacovetta, MTV Fellow, U. Michigan
17Point-Kinetic Neutron Multiplicity Distributions Using Stochastic Simulation and Deterministic MethodsMr. Jawad Moussa, MTV Fellow, U. New Mexico
18Validation of Tin-Copper Graded Shielding for Plutonium MeasurementsMr. Noah Kleedtke, MTV Fellow, U. Michigan
19Linearity Characterization of Quantum Dot-Doped Organic ScintillatorsMr. Aaron MacDonald, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
20Detection of Fast Neutrons During Photon Active InterrogationMr. Christopher Meert, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
21Graph representation of a fuel cycle from Cyclus inputMs. Katie Mummah, MTV Fellow, U. Wisconsin
22Measured and Simulated Energy-Multiplicity Correlations in Neutrons from the Spontaneous Fission of Cf-252Mr. Eoin Sansevero, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
23Millisecond Suppression of Counter-propagating Optical Signal using Ultrafast Laser FilamentsMr. Patrick Skrodzki, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
24Extracting Neutron Energy Spectra Using a Handheld Dual Particle ImageMr. William Steinberger, MTV Associate, U. Michigan
25Simplified Neutron Scatter Camera for Nuclear Safeguards ApplicationsMr. Taylor Harvey, MTV Fellow, U. Florida
26The Do-It-Yourself Geiger Muller (DIYgm): Practical Experience with Construction and Planned Technical EnhancementsMr. Jordan Noey & Mr. Long Chung,
MTV Fellows, U. Michigan
27Source Detection Through Geophysical Data Fusion MethodsMr. Jonathan Tobin & Mr. Samuel Takazawa,
MTV Fellows, U. Hawaii
28Quantifying Moss Response to Pollution from Exposure to Increasing Levels of Copper and Uranium using Laser Induced Photoluminescence.  Ms. Kelly Truax, MTV Fellow, U. Hawaii
29Analyzing Legacy Seismic Data from Nuclear Explosions using Modern ApproachesMr. John D. Wilding, MTV Fellow, Columbia U.

Lab tour – University of Michigan, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences

Tour participants will meet at the main lobby of the Mortimer E. Cooley Building: 2355 Bonisteel Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109.

Parking: Nearby parking is available.  A BLUE parking pass can be picked up from the main office at the Cooley Building. See the parking map.

Tour Start TimeLaboratory Faculty Lead and Tour Guides
14:30 – 15:00Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group

Prof. Sara Pozzi

Tour guide: Will Steinberger

15:05 – 15:35Orion Measurements Group, Glenn Knoll Laboratory

Prof. Zhong He

Tour guide: Daniel Shy

15:40 – 16:10
Gerard Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Sciences

Prof. Igor Jovanovic

Tour guides: Patrick Skrodzki & Lauren Finney

16:20 – 16:50Neutron Science Laboratory

Prof. Igor Jovanovic

Tour guide: Kris Ogren