2021 US-UK Workshop

Joint workshop logos

Nuclear Security Science Network, Science and Technology Facilities Council, and NNSA Consortium for Monitoring, Technology and Verification, Consortium for Enabling Technologies and Innovation and Nuclear Science and Security Consortium are pleased to announce the first joint workshop in Nuclear Security and Nonproliferation Skills. The joint program supports mobility and training program to connect UK and US researchers working in the areas of nuclear skills, nuclear security, and nuclear energy.

The workshop will be hosted virtually on April 27 & 28, 2021. 10:00 – 13:45 (U.S. Eastern Time zone)

Click on the links below to view slides and speaker profiles. All times are U.S. Eastern.

Agenda at a glance

April 27

10:00 Workshop Welcome, Paul Sellin, UK, University of Surrey
10:15Consortium for Monitoring, Technology, and Verification Overview, Sara Pozzi, MTV, University of Michigan 
10:30Overview of the Activities within the Consortium for Enabling Technologies and Innovation, Anna Erickson, EIT, Georgia Institute of Technology 
10:45Nuclear Science and Security Consortium Overview, Jasmina Vujic, NSSC, University of California at Berkeley
11:00UK Programs Overview, Robin Grimes, UK, Imperial College of London
Science for Nonproliferation Talks
11:30Remote Reactor Monitoring with the AIT-NEO Project, Matthew Malek, UK, The University of Sheffield
11:45Neutrinos for nuclear security, Patrick Huber, MTV, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
12:00Event-by-Event Neutron and Photon Multiplicity Correlations in Nuclear Fission, Shaun Clarke, MTV, University of Michigan
12:15Nuclear Data, Computing and Optimization in Nuclear Applications, Vladimir Sobes, NSSC, The University of Tennessee
12:30Nuclear Applications of Cosmic-ray Muography, Ralf Kaiser, UK, University of Glasgow
12:45From Radiochemical Synthesis to Separations at the Edge of the Periodic Table, Rebecca Abergel, NSSC, University of California, Berkeley
13:00The Use of High-Throughput Methods for Signature Definition in Metal Additive Manufacturing, Dan Thoma, ETI, University of Wisconsin-Madison
13:1530 min Breakout
13:45Adjourn meeting

April 28

Radiation Detection of Nonproliferation Signatures Talks
10:00Innovations in the detection of nuclear materials:  novel plastic scintillators and organic photodiodes, Bernard Kippelen, ETI, Georgia Institute of Technology
10:15New Scintillators for Nuclear Security, Chuck Melcher, NSSC, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
10:30Wide bandgap electronics and sensors for nuclear fuel cycle monitoring, L. Raymond Cao, ETI, The Ohio State University
10:45Digital detection of radiation signatures, Andrew Boston, UK, University of Liverpool
11:00Three-Dimensional Position-Sensitive Room-Temperature Semiconductor Gamma-Ray Spectrometers & Imagers, Zhong He, MTV, University of Michigan
11:15Multi-Sensor Fusion and 3D Mapping, Kai Vetter, NSSC, University of California, Berkeley
11:30Nuclear Security and Nonproliferation Research in the Applied Nuclear Science Group at the University of Michigan, Igor Jovanovic, MTV, University of Michigan
Machine Learning
12:00Bayesian Estimation for Radionuclide Detection, Stephen McLaughlin, UK Heriot-Watt University
12:15Autonomous Sensing and Information Gathering, John Fisher, ETI, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
12:30Estimating Uncertainty Intervals from Collaborating Deep Networks, David Carlson, ETI, Duke University
12:45Material Science in the context of the NSSC, Peter Hosemann, NSSC, University of California, Berkeley
13:00Plutonium Attribution Methodology Development using Experimental and Data Science Methods, Sunil Chirayath, MTV, Texas A&M University
13:1530 min Breakout
13:45Adjourn meeting