Each year the Consortium for Monitoring, Technology, and Verification (MTV) recognizes the outstanding work and research by MTV graduate and undergraduate student presenters at the MTV Workshop. In addition to the MTV Student Presentation Awards, we will be offering a newly created 2023 MTV Student Publication Award!
These awards will be presented at the workshop in the afternoon of Wednesday, March 22, 2023 and the prize package consists of an award certificate and $500 Visa gift card. Past award winners can be found on the MTV website: https://mtv.engin.umich.edu/people/mtv-student-awards/
MTV Student Presentation Awards
A group of selected faculty and research scientists review the students’ abstract submissions, presentation materials, and recordings, and then selects the competition finalists. Previous winners and late submissions are ineligible for finalists’ status.
Student presentation award finalists, selected prior to the workshop, are required to present their presentation at the workshop. Note: any student award finalist who is unable to attend the MTV workshop will forfeit their finalist status.
All student award finalists are assessed and scored by the selection committee, made up of advisory board members and national lab points of contact, during the workshop based on the selection criteria:
- Quality of Work
- Originality
- Novelty
- Presentation
MTV Student Publication Award
Students must complete the nomination form by Friday, March 10, 2023. Nominees must be a co-author on a paper published within the last year. Journal publications and conference proceedings are eligible for submission. Publications that have been accepted by a journal or conference, but have not yet been published or presented, are eligible. Journal publications will be given higher weight in the overall award scoring. Publications co-authored with national labs will be given higher weight in the overall award scoring.
A review board consisting of MTV advisory board members will review the submitted papers and will score based on the following criteria:
- Quality
- Novelty
- Student contributions
- Relevance to the MTV Mission