The Consortium for Monitoring, Technology, and Verification will be hosting their 2022 MTV Workshop March 22 – 23, 2022 in a hybrid format at the Michigan League in Ann Arbor, Michigan and via Zoom!
The final workshop agenda pdf can be found here.
COVID-19 and Public Health-Informed Event Planning Policies
The University of Michigan aims to deliver its mission while protecting the health and safety of our campus and minimizing the potential spread of disease within our community.
- All in-person event attendees will need to take the ResponsiBLUE Screening Check and receive a green result before entering any U-M building.
- Face coverings are required indoors on campus, regardless of vaccination status.
- Enhanced cleaning procedures are in place, including increased hand sanitizing stations throughout facilities.
- All groups and all event guests are expected to act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for the health and safety of all persons within the Facilities.
These guidelines may change prior to the event and this site will be updated as information is received.
Parking Options
The Michigan League is located at 911 N. University Ave and the closest public parking structure to the League is the Maynard Parking Structure at 324 Maynard St .
In addition to parking at Maynard, Uber and Lyft are great options to get to University of Michigan’s campus!
Agenda at a glance and links to presenter bios and materials:
March 22 – Day 1 (link here)
08:30 | Registration and poster set-up |
Michigan League, Concourse |
09:00 | Welcome and Logistics | Shaun Clarke, MTV Associate Director, and Sara Pozzi, MTV Director, University of Michigan | ||||
09:15 | NNSA goals for MTV | Keith McManus, Deputy Director, Office of Proliferation Detection, NNSA | ||||
09:30 | MTV Year 3 Accomplishments | Sara Pozzi, MTV Director and Faculty, University of Michigan | ||||
09:50 | Ultrafast laser filament-induced fluorescence of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to identify uranium exposure, | Lauren Finney, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||||
10:05 | Nuclear forensics methodology development by employing machine learning methods to enable foreign nuclear fuel cycle monitoring | Patrick O’Neal, Graduate Student, Texas A&M University | ||||
10:20 | Neutron and gamma imaging with a novel organic glass-based imager | Ricardo Lopez, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||||
10:35 | Break | |||||
10:55 | Reconstructing SCRaP benchmark experiment multiplicity distributions from MCNP generated moments | Jawad Moussa, Graduate Student, University of New Mexico | ||||
11:10 | Safeguarding naval reactors | Patrick Huber, Faculty, Virginia Tech University | ||||
11:25 | Creating synthetic state declarations using Cyclus | Katie Mummah, Graduate Student, University of Wisconsin | ||||
11:40 | A new first year undergraduate engineering and technical communication course emphasizing radiation detection and protection | Kim Kearfott, Faculty, University of Michigan | ||||
11:55 | Group Photo and Lunch | |||||
13:00 | Body-wave magnitude of the six underground nuclear tests in North Korea | Won-Young Kim, Faculty, Columbia University | ||||
13:15 | The chemical explosion blast standard (1 kg TNT) | Samuel “Kei” Takazawa, Graduate Student, University of Hawaiʻi | ||||
13:30 | Regional waveform-correlation detection for seismic events in and near Mongolia from 2012-2016 | David Schaff, Faculty, Columbia University | ||||
13:45 | PANEL: Alumni: Ciara Sivels, Cameron Miller, Jason Nattress, Valerie Nwadeyi, Felicia Sutanto |
Moderated by Sara Pozzi, Faculty, University of Michigan | ||||
14:30 | NRTA with an isotopic neutron source | Peninah Levine, Graduate Student, on behalf of Farheen Naqvi, Faculty, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ||||
14:45 | A portable apparatus for neutron resonance transmission analysis | Ethan Klein, Graduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ||||
15:00 | Break | |||||
15:20 | Phylogenetic sensitivity analysis to identify microbial signatures of environmental contamination | David Bernstein, Postdoc, University of California, Berkeley | ||||
15:35 | High precision scintillator time profile measurements using an LAPPD | Edward Callahan, Graduate Student, University of California, Berkeley | ||||
15:50 | Working towards an absolute reactor antineutrino flux measurement using PROSPECT-I data | Paige Kunkle, Graduate Student, Boston University | ||||
16:05 | Spatial structure and expansion dynamics of laser-produced cerium plasmas | Emily Kwapis, Graduate Student, University of Florida | ||||
16:20 | Poster Overview Presentations (1-minute each) |
16:45 | Poster Reception: Session A (Odd numbers) | |||||
17:45 | Adjourn Day 1 |
March 23 – Day 2 (link here)
09:00 | PANEL: Fellows: Kelly Truax, Kris Ogren, Tyler Johnson, Isabel Hernandez, Lauren Finney |
Moderated by: Shaun Clarke, Faculty, University of Michigan | |
09:45 | Neutron-gamma angular correlations in fission | Stefano Marin, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | |
10:00 | N-SpecDir Bot: A neutron-detecting, spectrally- and directionally-sensitive robot for nuclear verification | Eric Lepowsky, Graduate Student, Princeton University | |
10:15 | Destructive and nondestructive analyses of low-burnup low-enriched uranium for the validation of foreign fuel cycle nuclear forensics methodology | Sean Martinson, Graduate Student, Texas A&M University | |
10:30 | Break | ||
10:50 | Uncertainty quantification of the spherical optical model in fission fragment de-excitation | Kyle Beyer, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | |
11:05 | Uncertainty analysis of near-field antineutrino-based safeguards | Matthew Dunbrack, Graduate Student, Georgia Institute of Technology | |
11:20 | Active neutron multiplicity counting of kilogram quantities of highly enriched uranium | Flynn Darby, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | |
11:35 | Poster Overview Presentations (1-minute each) |
12:00 | Lunch | ||
12:45 | Poster Reception: Session B (Even numbers) | ||
13:45 | PANEL: National Laboratory Partners: Milton Garces, Adam Hecht, Jesson Hutchinson, Meghan McGarry, Scott Thompson |
Moderated by: Igor Jovanovic, Faculty, University of Michigan | |
14:30 | Superheated droplet detector response to the source system for zero-knowledge verification | Jihye Jeon, Graduate Student, Princeton University | |
14:45 | On the Tonga lamb wave | Milton Garces, Faculty, University of Hawaiʻi | |
15:00 | Biosensors for detecting nuclear fuel cycle activities in the environment | Isis Fukai, Graduate Student, University of Tennessee, Knoxville | |
15:15 | Towards an improved laser induced fluorescence imaging technique via testing of various laser wavelengths in pursuit of a portable system | Kelly Truax, Graduate Student, University of Hawaiʻi | |
15:30 | Closing remarks and student awards | Sara Pozzi, MTV Director, and Keith McManus, NNSA | |
15:45 | Adjourn Day 2 | ||
16:00 | Depart for optional lab tours |
# | Title | Presenter Name | ||
1 | Time-encoded dual particle imager (LANTERN) | John Kuchta, Graduate Student University of Michigan | ||
2 | Advancements in coded aperture imaging for CdZnTe detectors | Alexander Rice, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
3 | Windowed multipole and its use in sensitivity analysis | Matthew Lazaric, Graduate Student, University of New Mexico | ||
4 | Machine learning based reconstruction of antineutrinos in Water-Cherenkov detectors | Garrett Wendel, Graduate Student, Pennsylvania State University | ||
5 | Neutrino-induced nuclear reactions at the spallation neutron source | Tyler Johnson, Graduate Student, Duke University | ||
6 | Detection of prompt photofission neutrons from U-238 with a He-4 scintillation detector | Oskar Searfus, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
7 | Muon imaging for dry-cask storage verification | Jesus Valencia, Graduate Student, University of New Mexico | ||
8 | Event-by-event neutron gamma correlations in Pu-239 | James Baker Jr., Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
9 | Pulse shape discrimination using a compact ASIC-based data acquisition system | Tingshiuan Wu, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
10 | Evaluating the ability of an artificial neural network system to detect shielded depleted uranium in intense photon fields | Tessa Maurer, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
11 | The Mitchell Institute neutrino experiment at reactor (MINER) detector payload | Matthew Lee, Graduate Student, Texas A&M University | ||
12 | Time resolution of organic glass scintillators in various geometries | Leah Clark, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
13 | Development of 241Am13C calibration sources for a large water Cherenkov detector | Colton Graham, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
14 | Neural network applications toward accelerated neutral particle transport solutions | Lincoln Johnston, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
15 | Detection of fast neutrons during photon active interrogation | Christopher Meert, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
16 | Correlations between gamma-ray multiplicity and incident neutron energy in 239Pu(n,f) | Nathan Giha, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
17 | Explosion data collected on an airborne platform by a smartphone and traditional sensors | Sarah Popenhagen, Graduate Student, University of Hawaiʻi | ||
18 | Comparison of two laser systems for monitoring physiological changes in moss (Thuidium plicatile) due to metal contamination using Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) | Haley Currier, Undergraduate Student, University of Hawaiʻi | ||
19 | Small organic scintillators for dosimetry | Noora Ba Sunbul, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
20 | Reactor lifetime predictions from antineutrino yields | Jonah Cullen, Graduate Student, Georgia Institute of Technology | ||
21 | Development of a rover for autonomous imagining and identification of nuclear material | Katie Ballard, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
22 | Verification of Upcoming MCNP Features For Estimating Nuclear Data Sensitivities in Fixed Source Simulations | Juliann Lamproe, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
23 | Light output characterization for small stilbene detectors | Andrew Panter, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
24 | Predicting angular momentum of fission fragments using machine learning | Isabel Hernandez, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
25 | Using the international monitoring system (IMS) to teach AI/ML skills to NE undergraduate students | Andreas Enqvist, Faculty, University of Florida (student co-author, Jeremiah Wright) | ||
26 | Opaque scintillators for topological reconstruction | Andrew Wilhelm, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
27 | Quality control program for high precision radiation dose delivery | Jordan Noey, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
28 | A fully immersive virtual reality game for radiation protection education | Michael Robinson, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
29 | Evaluation of one month of temporal data from multiple consumer-grade temporal radon detectors | Carly Evans, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
30 | Extended reality training for a high radiation area protocol | Colin Stewart, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
31 | The Intelligent Radiation Awareness Drone (IRAD): creation of an unmanned aerial vehicle with radiation hazard guided navigation | Marlee Trager, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
32 | Small-scale isotopic identification: neutron resonance transmission analysis using a linac versus fusion source | Peninah Levine, Graduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ||
33 | Hill-climbing and other algorithms for rapid radiation source location with a drone | Christopher Davis, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
34 | Promising initial results in cryogenic decay energy spectroscopy for nuclear material assay and study of rare nuclear decays. | Alexander Kavner, Graduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
35 | Communications and computational system for an intelligent radiation awareness drone (IRAD) | Ryan Kim, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
36 | An affordable radiation weather station for high school outreach | Andrew Kent, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan | ||
37 | Photoionization simulation for improved RIMS accuracy | Henry Burns, Graduate Student, Georgia Institute of Technology | ||
38 | Plenoptic muon imaging of various test setups | Dominic Lioce, Undergraduate Student, University of New Mexico | ||
39 | Performance assessment tools for epithermal-neutron prompt gamma activation analysis | Nick Grenci, Graduate Student, Pennsylvania State University |