Alexander Kavner


University of Michigan

[email protected]

MTV Students


Alex graduated from the University of Michigan in 2017 with a Bachelor's in Physics and Mathematics and then from the University of Chicago in 2019 with a Masters in Physics. Alex’s past research in nuclear physics has focused around measuring: nuclear recoils, Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS), and Dark Matter as a part of the DAMIC, CONNIE, and COHERENT collaborations. He has performed experiments at a variety of nuclear facilities including: Notre Dame University’s proton accelerator, KSU and OSU research reactors, and at the Dresden Nuclear Generating Station. Alex is advised by Professor Igor Jovanovic and works under Dr. Stephan Friedrich (LLNL) and Dr. Geon-Bo Kim (LLNL). His dissertation research is on decay energy spectroscopy and the utilization of magnetic microcalorimeters for: accurate isotopic analysis of nuclear materials, precision half-life measurement of Sm-146 relevant for determining the timescale of early solar system formation, and for potential use as a CEvNS or Dark Matter detector. Alex’s career ambitions are to develop nuclear safeguards and technologies for strategic initiatives as well as to design experiments aimed at measuring relic neutrinos.