Dr. Amy Waters


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

[email protected]

Advisory Board Member

Amy Waters serves as the Program Manager for Nuclear Threat Reduction at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where she leads the development of cutting-edge technical solutions and expert technical support to the Nuclear Nonproliferation, Nuclear Counterterrorism, Nuclear Forensics, Emergency Response, and Consequence Management priorities of U.S. Government sponsors and mission stakeholders. Dr. Waters is especially interested in the interface between science and technology development, policy and operations. Over the past 20 years at LLNL she has supported National Security priorities across the WMD threat space, and previously led programs in aviation security, chemical, biological and explosives countermeasures development, and operational assessments of radiological and nuclear detection systems. Prior to joining LLNL in 2002, Dr. Waters worked in the cargo security industry. She received her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.