Each year MTV students participate in the MTV Workshop and University Program Review (UPR) Meeting. The students are given the opportunity to present an oral talk or poster that highlights their research and student awards are presented as a result:
Best Oral Talks – Graduate:
- Andrew Wilhelm, University of Michigan, “Event Topological Reconstruction using an Opaque Water-based Liquid Scintillator”
- Patrick Park, Princeton University,” Understanding Early Reactor Programs: Nuclear Archaeology of the Heisenberg Reactor”
Best Oral Talk – Undergraduate:
- Kimberly Meagher, University of Michigan, “Comparing Timing Resolution Improvements using the Tapered-Sinc Interpolation Algorithm for Various Readout Methods”
Best Poster Presentations – Graduate:
- Jill Rahon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis in a Field Portable System”
- Londrea Garrett, University of Michigan, “The effect of Laser Pulse Width on the Behavior of UF6 Plasma in LISA-UE”
Best Poster Presentations – Undergraduate:
- Katie Ballard, University of Michigan, “Validation of Neutron Simulation Framework for Scintillator-based Imaging Systems”
- Meredith Doan, University of Michigan, “Preventing Radiation Drone Crashes: Avoiding Collisions and Following Terrain”
Best Student Publication:
- Flynn Darby, University of Michigan, “Neutron-gamma noise measurements in a zero-power reactor using organic scintillators”
2023 University Program Review
Best national laboratory collaboration:
- Nathan Giha, University of Michigan, “Correlations Between Fission Fragment Properties and γ-Ray Emission”
Best oral presentation:
- Ethan Klein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Neutron Resonance Analysis for the Identification and Quantification of Nuclear Material”
Best poster presentation:
- Andrew Wilhelm, University of Michigan, “Modeling and Experimental Studies of Gamma-ray Detection in Opaque Scintillators”
Best Oral Talks:
- Ethan Klein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Neutron Resonance Analysis for the Identification and Quantification of Nuclear Material”
- Ricardo Lopez, University of Michigan, “Special Nuclear Material Experiments with a Dual-Particle Imager and Visualization in Mixed Reality”
Best Poster Presentations – Graduate:
- Flynn Darby, University of Michigan, “Rossi-Alpha Experiments with Highly Enriched Uranium Using Organic Scintillators”
- Nathan Giha, University of Michigan, “Correlations Between Fission Fragment Properties and y-Ray Emission”
Best Poster Presentations – Undergraduate:
- James Baker, Jr., University of Michigan, “Gamma-ray Multiplicity and Spectra from Neutron Induced Fission of 235U”
- Katie Olivas, University of Michigan, The Influence of Time Temperature Profiles on the Minimum Detectable Dose of LiF:Mg,Ti Thermoluminescent Dosimeters”
Best Student Publication:
- Emily Kwapis, University of Florida, “Spectroscopic signatures and oxidation characteristics of nanosecond laser-induced cerium plasmas”
- Ricardo Lopez, University of Michigan, “Neutron and gamma imaging using an organic glass scintillator handheld dual particle imager”
- Best National Laboratory Collaboration: Stefano Marin, University of Michigan (Pozzi), “Generation of Angular Momentum in Fission”
- Best Oral Talk: Kelly Truax, University of Hawai’i (Dulai), “Image Analysis of Laser Induced Fluorescence in Moss to Determine Optimal Laser Wavelengths for Portable Design”
- Best Oral Talk: Eric Lepowsky, Princeton University (Glaser), “Robotic Inspections in Support of Nuclear Verification”
Best Oral Talks:
- Emily Kwapis, University of Florida (Hartig), “Spatial structure and expansion dynamics of laser-produced cerium plasmas”
- Eric Lepowsky, Princeton University (Glaser), “N-SpecDir Bot: A neutron-detecting, spectrally- and directionally-sensitive robot for nuclear verification”
Best Posters:
- Tyler Johnson, Duke University (Barbeau), “Neutrino-induced nuclear reactions at the spallation neutron source”
- Oskar Searfus, University of Michigan (Jovanovic), “Direction of prompt photofission neutrons from U-238 with a He-4 scintillation detector”
2021 UPR Meeting
- Best National Laboratory Collaboration: Patrick Skrodzki, University of Michigan (Jovanovic), “Remote collection of optical signal using concentrated filament-driven thermal waveguides”
- Best Oral Talk: Tyler Johnson, Duke University (Barbeau), “Developing a Neutrino-Induced Nuclear Fission Detector”
Best Oral Talks:
- Lauren Finney, University of Michigan (Jovanovic), “Identification of stress in plants via femtosecond laser-induced fluorescence and steady-state absorption spectroscopy”
- Tyler Johnson, Duke University (Barbeau), “Neutrino-Induced Nuclear Fissions”
Best Posters:
- Eric Lepowsky, Princeton University (Glaser), “No Access, No Data, No Problem: Toward Autonomous Robotic Inspections of Nuclear Facilities”
- Samuel “Kei” Takazawa, University of Hawai’i (Garces), “Explosion Yield Estimation using Machine Learning Methods”
Best Oral Talks:
- Stefano Marin, University of Michigan (Pozzi), “Fragment-by-Fragment and Event-by-Event Multiplicity Correlations in Fission”
- Niral Shah, University of Michigan (Wehe), “Adaptive Imaging: Gimmick or Godsend?”
Best Posters:
- William Steinberger, University of Michigan (Pozzi), “Extracting Neutron Energy Spectra Using a Handheld Dual Particle Image”
- Kelly Truax, University of Hawai’i (Dulai), “Quantifying Moss Response to Pollution from Exposure to Increasing Levels of Copper and Uranium using Laser Induced Photoluminescence”