Publications by MTV students, faculty, and national laboratory collaborators.
Peer-reviewed Papers
- Darby, F. B., Pakari, O. V., Hua, M. Y., Lamirand, V., Clarke, S. D., Pautz, A., & Pozzi, S. A. (2023). Neutron-gamma noise measurements in a zero-power reactor using organic scintillators. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2023.3337657
- Marin, S., Tolstukhin, I. A., Giha, N. P., Tovesson, F., Protopopescu, V., & Pozzi, S. A. (2024). Measurement of fragment-correlated γ-ray emission from Cf 252 (sf). Physical Review C, 109(5), 054617.
- Park, P. J., & Herzele, S. (2024). Myths of German Graphite in World War II, with Original Translations. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.20801.
- Jeon, J., Goldston, R. J., & Gilson, E. P. (2024). Neutron Yield of Thermo Scientific P385 DT Neutron Generator vs. Current and Voltage. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.18607.
- Olive, J. A., Ekström, G., Buck, W. R., Liu, Z., Escartín, J., & Bickert, M. (2024). Mid-ocean ridge unfaulting revealed by magmatic intrusions. Nature, 1-6.
- Kuchta, J. R., Trimas, D. J., Marleau, P., & Wehe, D. K. (2024). Spherical time-encoded radiation imaging simulations. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1064, 169336.
- Darby, F. B., Pakari, O. V., Hua, M. Y., Lamirand, V., Clarke, S. D., Pautz, A., & Pozzi, S. A. (2024). Neutron-gamma noise measurements in a zero-power reactor using organic scintillators. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
- Marin, S., Tolstukhin, I. A., Giha, N. P., Tovesson, F., Protopopescu, V., & Pozzi, S. A. (2024). Measurement of fragment-correlated γ-ray emission from Cf 252 (sf). Physical Review C, 109(5), 054617.
- Pozzi, S. A., Lopez, R., Marleau, P., & Clarke, S. D. (2024). Dual particle imaging: Applications in security and environmental imaging. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1064, 169307.
- Lopez, R., Pakari, O., Clarke, S. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2024). Gamma-ray imaging of Np-237 metal using an organic glass imager. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1063, 169254.
- Cheng, S., Pierson, B., Pommé, S., & Flaska, M. (2024). Time interval distributions of nuclear events in a digital spectrometer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 169218.
- Kwapis, E. H., & Hartig, K. C. (2024). Spatiotemporal characterization of cerium monoxide in laser ablation plasmas using spectrally-resolved fast-gated imaging. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. DOI: 10.1039/D3JA00441D
- Kuchta, J. R., Trimas, D. J., Marleau, P., & Wehe, D. K. (2024). Spherical Time-Encoded Radiation Imaging Simulations. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 169336.
- MacGregor, H., Fukai, I., Ash, K., Arkin, A., Hazen, T. (2024). Potential Applications of Microbial Genomics in Nuclear Non-Proliferation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 140820.
- Villa-Aleman, E., Kwapis, E. H., Foley, B. J., Shehee, T. C., Dick, D. D., Darvin, J. R., … & Hartig, K. C. (2024). Laser-Induced Plasmas of Plutonium Dioxide in a Double-Walled Cell. Applied Spectroscopy, 00037028241226977.
- Ekström, G., Luna, J. L., & Richards, P. G. On Magnitudes and Inferred Yields of the 39 Underground Nuclear Test Explosions at the Novaya Zemlya Test Site.
- Popenhagen, S. K., Bowman, D. C., Zeiler, C., & Garcés, M. A. (2023). Acoustic waves from a distant explosion recorded on a continuously ascending balloon in the middle stratosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(20), e2023GL104031.
- Tobisch, J., Philippe, S., Barak, B., Kaplun, G., Zenger, C., Glaser, A., … & Rührmair, U. (2023). Remote inspection of adversary-controlled environments. Nature communications, 14(1), 6566.
- Darby, F. B., Hua, M. Y., Pakari, O. V., Clarke, S. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2023). Multiplicity counting using organic scintillators to distinguish neutron sources: An advanced teaching laboratory. American Journal of Physics, 91(11), 936-945.
- Lamproe, J. R., Cutler, T. E., Hua, M. Y., Hutchinson, J. D., Rising, M. E., Clarke, S. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2023). Preliminary verification of the MCNP perturbation and fixed-source tally sensitivity tools. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 194, 110040.
- Jinia, A. J., Maurer, T. E., Meert, C. A., Clarke, S. D., Kim, H. S., Wentzloff, D. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2023). Measurement of Photoneutrons from Depleted Uranium and Comparison Study Using MCNPX-PoliMi. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1-13.
- Glaser, A. (2023). Toward Verifiable Definitions of a Nuclear Weapon. Arms Control Today, 53(6), 23-26.
- Lepowsky, E., Kreutle, M., Wirz, C., & Glaser, A. (2023). Ceci N’est Pas Une Bombe: Lessons from a Field Experiment Using Neutron and Gamma Measurements to Confirm the Absence of Nuclear Weapons. Science & Global Security, 1-12.
- Truax, K., Dulai, H., Misra, A., Kuhne, W., Fuleky, P., Smith, C., & Garces, M. (2023). Laser-Induced Fluorescence for Monitoring Environmental Contamination and Stress in the Moss Thuidium plicatile. Plants, 12(17), 3124. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
- Wu, T. C., Sutanto, F., Li, V. A., Classen, T. M., Dazeley, S., & Jovanovic, I. (2023). Calibration of a compact ASIC-based data acquisition system for neutron/γ discrimination and spectroscopy with organic scintillators. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1057, 168699.
- S. P. Martinson, et al., “Nondestructive and Destructive Assay for Forensics Characterization of Weapons-grade Plutonium Produced in LEU Irradiated in a Thermal Neutron Spectrum,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 183, 109645, April 2023.
- A. J. Jinia, T. E. Maurer, C. A. Meert, O. V. Pakari, S. D. Clarke, H. S. Kim, D. D. Wentzloff, and S. A. Pozzi, “Prompt Photofission Neutron Detection in Depleted Uranium”. Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 054073 (2023).
- S. Pozzi, Z. He, J. Hutchinson, I. Jovanovic, R. Lopez, K. Ogren, J. Nattress, D. Shy, and S. Clarke, “Detecting and Characterizing Special Nuclear Material for Nuclear Nonproliferation Applications,” Scientific Reports 13, 10432 (2023).
- K. S. Latty, M. Burger, J. Borrero, I. Jovanovic, and K. C. Hartig, “Emission characteristics of bulk aerosols excited by externally focused femtosecond filaments,” Optics Express 31, 24652–24666 (2023).
- Burger, M., Latty, K. S., Frigerio, L., Arnaud, T., Hartig, K. C., & Jovanovic, I. (2023). Ultrafast Laser-Excited Optical Emission of Xe under Loose-Focusing Conditions. Sensors, 23(23), 9374.
- Searfus, O., Marleau, P., Uribe, E., Reedy, H., & Jovanovic, I. (2023). Passive and active neutron signatures of 233 U for nondestructive assay. Physical Review Applied, 20(6), 064038.
- Ekström, G., Luna, J. L., & Richards, P. G. On Magnitudes and Inferred Yields of the 39 Underground Nuclear Test Explosions at the Novaya Zemlya Test Site.
- Popenhagen, S. K., Bowman, D. C., Zeiler, C., & Garcés, M. A. (2023). Acoustic waves from a distant explosion recorded on a continuously ascending balloon in the middle stratosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(20), e2023GL104031.
- Tobisch, J., Philippe, S., Barak, B., Kaplun, G., Zenger, C., Glaser, A., … & Rührmair, U. (2023). Remote inspection of adversary-controlled environments. Nature communications, 14(1), 6566.
- Darby, F. B., Hua, M. Y., Pakari, O. V., Clarke, S. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2023). Multiplicity counting using organic scintillators to distinguish neutron sources: An advanced teaching laboratory. American Journal of Physics, 91(11), 936-945.
- Lamproe, J. R., Cutler, T. E., Hua, M. Y., Hutchinson, J. D., Rising, M. E., Clarke, S. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2023). Preliminary verification of the MCNP perturbation and fixed-source tally sensitivity tools. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 194, 110040.
- Jinia, A. J., Maurer, T. E., Meert, C. A., Clarke, S. D., Kim, H. S., Wentzloff, D. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2023). Measurement of Photoneutrons from Depleted Uranium and Comparison Study Using MCNPX-PoliMi. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 1-13. 10.1080/00295639.2023.2238169
- Glaser, A. (2023). Toward Verifiable Definitions of a Nuclear Weapon. Arms Control Today, 53(6), 23-26.
- Lepowsky, E., Kreutle, M., Wirz, C., & Glaser, A. (2023). Ceci N’est Pas Une Bombe: Lessons from a Field Experiment Using Neutron and Gamma Measurements to Confirm the Absence of Nuclear Weapons. Science & Global Security, 1-12.
- Truax, K., Dulai, H., Misra, A., Kuhne, W., Fuleky, P., Smith, C., & Garces, M. (2023). Laser-Induced Fluorescence for Monitoring Environmental Contamination and Stress in the Moss Thuidium plicatile. Plants, 12(17), 3124. MDPI AG.
- Wu, T. C., Sutanto, F., Li, V. A., Classen, T. M., Dazeley, S., & Jovanovic, I. (2023). Calibration of a compact ASIC-based data acquisition system for neutron/γ discrimination and spectroscopy with organic scintillators. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1057, 168699. 10.1016/j.nima.2023.168699
- Pakari, O., Lopez, R., Druckman, I., Meng, E., Zhou, E., Wang, Z., … & Pozzi, S. A. (2023). Real-time mixed reality display of dual particle radiation detector data. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 362.
- Kwapis, E. H., Hewitt, M., & Hartig, K. C. (2023). Shock physics and shadowgraphic measurements of laser-produced cerium plasmas. Optics Express, 31(6), 10694-10708.
- Latty, K. S., & Hartig, K. C. (2023). Elemental fractionation in aerosol laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with nanosecond and femtosecond laser ablation. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 202, 106648.
- Garcés, M. A. (2023). Quantized Information in Spectral Cyberspace. Entropy, 25(3), 419.
- Martinson, S. P., Garcia, J. R., Haynes, I. W., Saini, S. P., Wagner, E. R., Long, G. R., … & Chirayath, S. S. (2023). Nondestructive and destructive assay for forensics characterization of weapons-grade plutonium produced in LEU irradiated in a thermal neutron spectrum. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 183, 109645.
- Giha, N. P., Marin, S., Baker, J. A., Hernandez, I. E., Kelly, K. J., Devlin, M., … & Pozzi, S. A. (2023). Correlations between energy and γ-ray emission in Pu 239 (n, f). Physical Review C, 107(1), 014612.
- Marin, S., Tolstukhin, I. A., Giha, N. P., Oberling, M. B., Knaack, R. A., Kay, B. P., … & Tovesson, F. (2023). Instrumentation for correlated prompt n− γ emission studies in coincidence with fission fragments. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 168027.
- Searfus, O., Ogren, K., & Jovanovic, I. (2023). Digital pulse analysis for fast neutron recoil spectroscopy with a 4He scintillation detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1046, 167703.
- Li, V. A., Sutanto, F., Classen, T. M., Dazeley, S. A., Jovanovic, I., & Wu, T. C. (2023). Evaluation of a positron-emission-tomography-based SiPM readout for compact segmented neutron imagers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1046, 167624.
- Reza, S. A., Burger, M., Bassène, P., Nutting, T., Jovanovic, I., & N’Gom, M. (2023). Generation of multiple obstruction-free channels for free space optical communication. Optics Express, 31(2), 3168-3178.
- Bae, J. W., Wu, T. C., & Jovanovic, I. (2023). Reconstruction of fast neutron direction in segmented organic detectors using deep learning. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 168024.
- Wilhelm, A. S., Wendel, G., Collins, B., Cowen, D., & Jovanovic, I. (2023). Evaluation of light collection from highly scattering media using wavelength-shifting fibers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1049, 168085.
- Martinson, S. P., Garcia, J. R., Haynes, I. W., Saini, S. P., Wagner, E. R., Long, G. R., … & Chirayath, S. S. (2023). Nondestructive and destructive assay for forensics characterization of weapons-grade plutonium produced in LEU irradiated in a thermal neutron spectrum. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 183, 109645.
- Bae Woo, J. Wu, T.C., Jovanovic, I. (2023). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. ScienceDirect, Volume 1049, April 2023, 168024.
- Reza, S. A., Burger, M., Bassène, P., Nutting, T., Jovanovic, I., & N’Gom, M. (2023). Generation of multiple obstruction-free channels for free space optical communication. Optics Express, 31(2), 3168-3178.
- Wilhelm, A. S., Wendel, G., Collins, B., Cowen, D., & Jovanovic, I. (2023). Evaluation of light collection from highly scattering media using wavelength-shifting fibers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 168085.
- Burton, M. A., Auner, A. W., Crowhurst, J. C., Boone, P. S., Finney, L. A., Weisz, D. G., … & Knight, K. B. (2022). The effect of oxygen concentration on the speciation of laser ablated uranium. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 4030.
- Lopez, R., Steinberger, W. M., Giha, N., Marleau, P., Clarke, S. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2022). Neutron and gamma imaging using an organic glass scintillator handheld dual particle imager. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1042, 167407.
nima.2022.167407 - Kennings, T. W., Noey, J. D., Mata, L. A., & Kearfott, K. J. (2022). Radon-222 Charcoal Canister Steady State Model Calibrations Performed in a Highly Controlled Environmental Chamber and a Natural Indoor Environment. Health Physics, 123(3), 248-256.
- Ogren, K., Kavner, A., Dazeley, S., & Jovanovic, I. (2022). Development of 17N as a time-tagged neutron source for calibration of large antineutrino detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1033, 166654. DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001574
- Wilhelm, A. S., & Jovanovic, I. (2022). Gamma-ray spectroscopy using angular distribution of Compton scattering. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1031, 166502. DOI:
- O’Neal, P. J., Chirayath, S. S., & Cheng, Q. (2022). A Machine Learning Method for the Forensics Attribution of Separated Plutonium. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 196(7), 811-823.
- Pershing, T., Xu, J., Bernard, E., Kingston, J., Mizrachi, E., Brodsky, J., … & Jovanovic, I. (2022). Performance of Hamamatsu VUV4 SiPMs for detecting liquid argon scintillation. Journal of Instrumentation, 17(04), P04017. DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/17/04/P04017
- Meert, C. A., MacDonald, A. T., Jinia, A. J., Steinberger, W. M., Clarke, S. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2022). Photoneutron Detection in Active Interrogation Scenarios Using Small Organic Scintillators. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 69(6), 1397-1402. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2022.3164601
- von Raesfeld, C., & Huber, P. (2022). Use of CEvNS to monitor spent nuclear fuel. Physical Review D, 105(5), 056002.
- Kaptanoglu, T., Callaghan, E. J., Yeh, M., & Orebi Gann, G. D. (2022). Cherenkov and scintillation separation in water-based liquid scintillator using an LAPPDTM. The European Physical Journal C, 82(2), 169.
- Kennings, T. W., Noey, J. D., Mata, L. A., & Kearfott, K. J. (2022). Radon-222 Charcoal Canister Steady State Model Calibrations Performed in a Highly Controlled Environmental Chamber and a Natural Indoor Environment. Health Physics, 123(3), 248-256. DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001574
- O’Neal, P. J., Chirayath, S. S., & Cheng, Q. (2022). A Machine Learning Method for the Forensics Attribution of Separated Plutonium. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 196(7), 811-823.
- Vergoz, J., Hupe, P., Listowski, C., Le Pichon, A., Garcés, M. A., Marchetti, E., … & Mialle, P. (2022). IMS observations of infrasound and acoustic-gravity waves produced by the January 2022 volcanic eruption of Hunga, Tonga: A global analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 591, 117639.
- Garcés, M. A., Bowman, D., Zeiler, C., Christe, A., Yoshiyama, T., Williams, B., … & Popenhagen, S. (2022). Skyfall: Signal Fusion from a Smartphone Falling from the Stratosphere. Signals, 3(2), 209-234.
- Burger, M., Murphy, J. M., Finney, L. A., Peskosky, N., Nees, J. A., Krushelnick, K., & Jovanovic, I. (2022). Iterative wavefront optimization of ultrafast laser beams carrying orbital angular momentum. Optics Express, 30(15), 26315-26323.
- Kim, G. B., Borg, L. E., Boyd, S. T. P., Cantor, R. H., Despotopulos, J. D., Drury, O. B., … & Walls, C. (2022). Absolute Decay Counting of 146 Sm and 147 Sm for Early Solar System Chronology. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 209(5-6), 824-831.
- Kavner, A. R. L., Lee, D., Boyd, S. T. P., Friedrich, S., Jovanovic, I., & Kim, G. B. (2022). Study of Pile-Up Effects in Decay Energy Spectroscopy. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 1-9.
- Meert, C. A., Panter, A. P., Jinia, A. J., MacDonald, A. T., Clarke, S. D., Pierson, B. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2022). High-fidelity photoneutron detection via neutron activation analysis. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1040, 167116.
- Mitchell, M. J., Kazaroff, C., Sobel, P., & Biegalski, S. R. (2022). Radioxenon signatures of molten salt reactors. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 331(12), 4851-4856.
- Wilson, C., Sobel, P., & Biegalski, S. (2022). Coincidence measurements of radioxenon using passive implemented planar silicon (PIPS) detector. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 1-7.
- Lazaric, M. J., Perfetti, C. M., Paris, M. W., & Ducru, P. (2022). Conversion of Resonance Parameters Between Wigner-Eisenbud R-matrix and Transition Matrix Pole Representation. University of Michigan/MTV.
- Cogswell, B. K., & Huber, P. (2022). Cerium ruthenium low-energy antineutrino measurements for safeguarding military naval reactors. Physical Review Letters, 128(24), 241803. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.241803
- Finney, L. A., Skrodzki, P. J., Peskosky, N., Burger, M., Nees, J., Krushelnick, K., & Jovanovic, I. (2022). Ultrafast laser filament-induced fluorescence for detecting uranium stress in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 17205.
- Moradi, S., Brandner, C., Spielvogel, C., Krajnc, D., Hillmich, S., Wille, R., … & Papp, L. (2022). Clinical data classification with noisy intermediate scale quantum computers. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1851.
- Eaton, S. W., Cárdenas, E. S., Hix, J. D., Johnson, J. T., Watson, S. M., Chichester, D. L., … & Reichardt, T. A. (2022). An algorithmic approach to predicting mechanical draft cooling tower fan speeds from infrasound signals. Applied Acoustics, 199, 109015.
- Lepowsky, E., Kütt, M., Aslam, S., Fetsch, H., Snell, S., Glaser, A., & Goldston, R. J. (2022). Experimental demonstration and modeling of a robotic neutron detector with spectral and directional sensitivity for treaty verification. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1041, 167362.
- Reistad, O., Glaser, A., Frank, R. D., & Kaald, S. H. (2022). Document-Based Nuclear Ringler, A. T., Anthony, R. E., Aster, R. C., Ammon, C. J., Arrowsmith, S., Benz, H., … & Yeck, W. (2022).
- Ringler, A. T., Anthony, R. E., Aster, R. C., Ammon, C. J., Arrowsmith, S., Benz, H., … & Yeck, W. (2022). Achievements and prospects of global broadband seismographic networks after 30 years of continuous geophysical observations. Reviews of Geophysics (1985), 60(3).
- Kennings, T. W., Noey, J. D., Mata, L. A., & Kearfott, K. J. (2022). Radon-222 Charcoal Canister Steady State Model Calibrations Performed in a Highly Controlled Environmental Chamber and a Natural Indoor Environment. Health Physics, 123(3), 248-256. DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001574
- Kwapis, E.H., Villa-Aleman, E., Hartig, K.C. (2022). Spectroscopic signatures and oxidation characteristics of nanosecond laser-induced cerium plasmas. ScienceDirect, Dec. 2022.
- Latty, K. S., & Hartig, K. C. (2022). Spatiotemporal Plasma-Particle Characterization of Dry Aerosols Using Nanosecond, Femtosecond, and Filament Laser-Produced Plasmas. Applied Spectroscopy, 00037028221149480.
- Meert, C. A., Panter, A. P., Jinia, A. J., MacDonald, A. T., Clarke, S. D., Pierson, B. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2022). High-fidelity photoneutron detection via neutron activation analysis. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1040, 167116.
- Truax, K., Dulai, H., Misra, A., Kuhne, W., & Fuleky, P. (2022). Quantifying Moss Response to Metal Contaminant Exposure Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence. Applied Sciences, 12(22), 11580.
- Lepowsky, E., Jeon, J., & Glaser, A. (2021). Confirming the absence of nuclear warheads via passive gamma-ray measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 990, 164983.
- Hua, M. Y., Hutchinson, J. D., McKenzie, G. E., Clarke, S. D., & Pozzi, S. A. (2021). On the Feynman-alpha method for reflected fissile assemblies. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 155, 108082.
- Kleedtke, N., Hua, M., & Pozzi, S. (2021). Genetic algorithm optimization of tin–copper graded shielding for improved plutonium safeguards measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 988, 164877.
- Finney, L. A., Lin, J., Skrodzki, P. J., Burger, M., Nees, J., Krushelnick, K., & Jovanovic, I. (2021). Filament-induced breakdown spectroscopy signal enhancement using optical wavefront control. Optics Communications, 490, 126902.
- Burger, M., Finney, L.A., Garrett, L., Harilal, S.S., Hartig, K. C., Nees, J., Skrodzki, P.J., Xiao, X., Jovanovic, I. (2021). Laser Ablation Spectrometry in Nuclear Security and Safety, Part B 179, 106095
- Liu, T., Di Fulvio, A., Chung, L. K., & Kearfott, K. J. (2021). Radiation mapping for an unmanned aerial vehicle: Development and simulated testing of algorithms for source mapping and navigation path generation. Health Physics, 120(3), 321-338. DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001334
- Noey, J. D., Golduber, R. M., & Kearfott, K. J. (2021). Analysis of long-term quality control data for a 137Cs dosimetry calibration source. Health Physics, 120(2), 227-242. DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001355
- Chung, L. K., Kent, A. J., Cooney, M. A., Noey, J. D., Liebler, K. J., & Kearfott, K. J. (2021). Simulations and Experimental Verifications of an Algorithm for Radiation Source Mapping and Navigational Path Generation. Health Physics, 120(6), 648-660. DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001392
- Chung, L. K., Piersma, N. P., & Kearfott, K. J. (2021). Radon kinetics in a basement space measured with different devices. Health Physics, 120(5), 582-588. DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001402
- Thiesen, J. H., Hepker, J. M., Yu, W., Pombier, K. D., & Kearfott, K. J. (2021). Preliminary Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Glow Curve Analysis with Automated Glow Peak Identification for LiF: Mg, Ti. Health Physics, 121(2), 124-132. doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001426
- Kuchta, J. R., Thiesen, J. H., Noey, J. D., Chung, L. K., & Kearfott, K. J. (2021). Preliminary Experiences with the Rexon UL-320-FDR: An Automated Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Reader with Removable Contact Heating Planchets and an Infrared Temperature Feedback System. Health Physics, 120(4), 463-471. DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001386
- Ba Sunbul, N., Oraiqat, I., Rosen, B., Miller, C., Meert, C., Matuszak, M. M., … & El Naqa, I. (2021). Application of radiochromic gel dosimetry to commissioning of a megavoltage research linear accelerator for small‐field animal irradiation studies. Medical physics, 48(3), 1404-1416.
- Rafique, M., Iqbal, J., Lone, K. J., Kearfott, K. J., Rahman, S. U., & Hussain, L. (2021). Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of soil radon (222 Rn) and thoron (220 Rn) time series. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 328, 425-434. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-021-07650-x
- Shah, N. P., Marleau, P., Fessler, J. A., Chichester, D. L., & Wehe, D. K. (2021). Improved Localization Precision and Angular Resolution of a Cylindrical, Time-Encoded Imaging System From Adaptive Detector Movements. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 68(4), 410-425. DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2021.3060071
- Klein, E. A., Naqvi, F., Bickus, J. E., Lee, H. Y., Danagoulian, A., & Goldston, R. J. (2021). Neutron-resonance transmission analysis with a compact deuterium-tritium neutron generator. Physical Review Applied, 15(5), 054026.
- Martinson, S. P., & Chirayath, S. S. (2021). Monte Carlo neutronics benchmarks on nuclear fuel depletion: A review. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 161, 108441.
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