Meghan McGarry

Dr. Meghan McGarry

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

[email protected]

National Laboratory Representative

Dr. Meghan McGarry is a research scientist in the CNERG group in Engineering Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Her current research involves using the CYCLUS nuclear fuel cycle simulator to study nuclear non-proliferation and treaty verification issues as part of the Consortium for Verification Technology.  Dr. McGarry is interested in international security, energy, and the interface between science and policy.  She has attended two Summer Symposia on International Security and World Affairs, hosted by the Union of Concerned Scientists, where she presented research on the weaponization of space. She hold a PhD in experimental plasma physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a BA in physics and astronomy from UC Berkeley.  Dr. McGarry has also worked as a postdoctoral researcher in experimental plasma physics, and as a data analyst for the Chandra X-ray Observatory at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.



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