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Welcome Dinner, May 19, 2019 
18:00Welcome Dinner & Early RegistrationVinology
Day 1, May 20, 2019Graduate Ann Arbor
615 E Huron St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
8:30Registration & BreakfastTerrace Ballroom (3rd Floor)
8:55Welcome & LogisticsProf. Sara Pozzi,
MTV Director (U. Michigan)
9:00DNN R&D introductionMr. Randy Bell,
Chief Science Advisor (DOE NNSA)
9:15University ProgramDr. Victoria Franques,
DNN R&D University Program,
Senior Program Manager (DOE NNSA)
9:25MTV OverviewProf. Sara Pozzi, MTV Director (U. Michigan)
Presentations: TA1 – Fundamentals of Nuclear and Particle Physics
9:45SNM Detection Using 3D CdZnTe SpectrometersProf. Zhong He (U. Michigan)
9:55SNM Detection Using Time-Encoded ImagingMr. Niral Shah for Prof. David Wehe (U. Michigan)
10:05Muon Imaging for Dry-Cask Storage VerificationProf. Adam Hecht (UNM)
10:15Correlated Neutron and Gamma-Ray Emissions from Nuclear FissionProf. Sara Pozzi (U. Michigan)
10:25Improved Calibration of Nuclear Resonance ParametersProf. Chris Perfetti (UNM)
10:35BREAK – 15 mins 
10:50Reactor Monitoring using Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus ScatteringProf. Igor Jovanovic (U. Michigan)
11:00High-Fidelity Modeling of Antineutrino Source Term from Nuclear ReactorsProf. Anna Erickson (Ga. Tech)
11:10Antineutrino Detection for Dry-cask Storage MonitoringProf. Patrick Huber (Va. Tech)
11:20Antineutrinos for Long-Range Reactor MonitoringProf. John Learned (U. Hawaii)
11:30PANEL: TA1 – Fundamentals of Nuclear and Particle PhysicsAll TA1 Co-PIs, Moderated by Prof. Igor Jovanovic (U. Michigan)
12:05National Lab Engagement LuncheonAll Attendants
Presentations: TA 3 – Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
13:35InfrasoundDr. Milton Garces (U. Hawaii)
13:55Environmental Fate and Transport of RadionuclidesProf. Andreas Enqvist (U. Florida)
14:05RadionuclideDr. Shaun Clarke (U. Michigan)
14:15Methodologies for Wide Area Environmental SamplingProf. Kyle Hartig (U. Florida)
14:25Radiation Background Monitoring Supplemented by CrowdsourcingProf. Kim Kearfott (U. Michigan)
14:35BREAK – 15 mins 
14:50PANEL: TA 3 – Nuclear Explosion MonitoringAll TA3 Co-PIs, Moderated by Dr. Milton Garces (U. Hawaii)
15:25Modeling and Simulation (Cross Cutting Thrust)Prof. Brian Kiedrowski (U. Michigan)
15:35Nuclear Policy (Cross Cutting Thrust)Prof. Paul Wilson (U. Wisconsin)
15:45Education and Outreach (Cross Cutting Thrust)Prof. Kim Kearfott (U. Michigan)
15:55PANEL: National Laboratory EngagementAll Lab POCs, Moderated by Dr. Shaun Clarke (U. Michigan)
16:25Group PhotoAll attendants
18:00Adjourn Day 1 
Day 2, May 21, 2019Graduate Ann Arbor
615 E Huron St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
8:30Registration & BreakfastTerrace Ballroom (3rd floor)
9:00SeismologyDr. Goran Ekstrom (Columbia)
Presentations: TA2 – Signals and Source Terms for Nuclear Nonproliferation
9:10Forensic Signatures from Laser-Induced Resonance IonizationProf. Steven Biegalski (Ga. Tech)
9:20Isotopic Mapping Using Neutron Resonance SpectroscopyProf. Areg Danagoulian (MIT)
9:30Neutron Activation Analysis Tool for Assessment of Isotopic and Elemental Signatures of Manufacturing ProcessesProf. Marek Flaska (PSU)
9:40Multidimensional Optical Spectroscopy for Nonproliferation MeasurementsProf. Igor Jovanovic (U. Michigan)
9:50Modeling of Biological and Abiotic Data to Predict Nuclear Process Marker Presence and AgeProf. Adam Arkin (UC Berkeley)
10:00Time-Series Analysis of Biota in Radionuclide Contaminated EnvironmentsProf. Terry Hazen (UTK)
10:10Environmental Surveillance for Radionuclide Sources Prof. Eric Alm (MIT)
10:20BREAK – 15 mins 
10:35Concentration of Radionuclides in Biota in Coastal EnvironmentsProf. Henrietta Dulai (U. Hawaii)
10:45Process and Flow Modeling of Nuclear Fuel FacilitiesProf. Paul Wilson (U. Wisconsin)
10:55Modeling of Plutonium Production in Foreign Nuclear Fuel CyclesProf. Sunil Chirayath (TAMU)
11:05Modeling Past and Present Fuel Cycle Activity to Evaluate Baseline Declaration Dr. Rob Goldston for Prof. Alex Glaser (Princeton)
11:15Improved Monte Carlo Methods Using Automated Variance Reduction Techniques and Reliability DiagnosticsProf. Brian Kiedrowski (U. Michigan)
11:25Improved Deterministic Modeling for Safeguards MeasurementsProf. Anil Prinja (UNM)
11:35PANEL: TA2 – Signals and Source Terms for Nuclear NonproliferationAll TA2 Co-PIs, Moderated by Prof. Steven Biegalski (Ga. Tech)
12:10Education and Outreach luncheonAll attendants, Terrace Ballroom
13:00Adjourn Day 2 Presentations 
13:00Contractual MeetingNNSA Leadership & 1 Co-PI per University
Huron Ballroom (2nd floor)
17:00Adjourn Contractual Meeting 
14:00Lab Tours – University of Michigan, Nuclear Engineering  

University of Michigan Lab Tour (4 labs)

Tour participants will meet at the Cooley Mortimer bldg., 2355 Bonisteel Blvd., Ann Arbor, 48109. Mackenzie Warwick and Caiser Bravo will be your tour guides leading you through the campus facilities to the following labs. Please arrive by 1:50 to  obtain a parking pass and meet with the students in the lobby of the Cooley bldg.

Glenn F. Knoll Laboratory, 3040 NEL
Prof. Zhong He
Description: Develop room-temperature operational semiconductor high energy resolution gamma-ray imagers
Tour lead: Mr. Daniel Shy

Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group, 1040 NEL
Prof. Sara Pozzi
Description: Laboratory focusing on neutron detection with organic scintillators. Primary applications include dual-particle imaging, fast neutron multiplicity counting, and active interrogation for hidden nuclear material detection.
Tour lead: Mr. Cameron Miller & Mr. William Steinberger

Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, 1254 ERB-2
Prof. Igor Jovanovic
Description: The Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS) is an interdisciplinary research center in the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan, founded by the 2018 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Prof. Gérard Mourou. It is a home for the 300 TW HERCULES laser, which has held a Guinness world record for the highest focused intensity for over 10 years. The tour will feature Lambda-Cubed, one of the three major laboratories in CUOS.
Tour lead: Mr. Patrick Skrodzki

Radiological Health Engineering Laboratory, 1943 Cooley
Prof. Kim Kearfott
Description: The Radiological Health Engineering (RHE) Laboratory includes equipment and space for the development and testing of new instruments and systems for application to specific radiological health problems. Work is concentrated on practical systems and radiation measurements methods deployable within the immediate future.
Tour lead: Mr. Jack Thiesen & Mr. Jordan Noey